PostHeaderIcon Do You Qualify For A Free Assessment?

Free assessment?Our approach works. It focuses on the whole person and improves confidence, communication and self esteem which in turn boosts their general academic performance.

But – for our programmes to be successful, both we and the pupils need to have 100% backing from you and your staff. Please read through the following and if you agree with what we say, then you may qualify for a free assessment and consultation.

(We have to limit our programmes to a handful of schools at a time, and it helps us to select the right schools to work with if we know that they understand and agree with our way of working).

I am not looking for a ‘band-aid’ or quick fix.

We do not believe in quick fixes. Long term behavioural change does not happen overnight and years of negative behaviour patterns do not end after two or three sessions.

Changing the way young people see themselves and others is a constant challenge, but our framework offers sustainable and ongoing solutions. In short, it teaches them how to cook, rather than just giving them a meal.


I am passionate about improving children’s and young people’s health and wellbeing.

For us – and we hope for you - this is more important than improving SAT results and league tables (although this is almost always a by-product of our programmes and workshops).

Education is about more than simply obtaining knowledge. Our young people also need a healthy mindset and firm goals and priorities in order to reach their highest level of attainment. Let’s look at the whole child and not just at their test results.

Our programmes prepare pupils for holistic, long lasting success by equipping them with the thinking and reasoning skills that are necessary for adulthood.


I am committed to working in partnership to make these programmes a success and supporting my pupils 100%.

As a school, you need to be 100% behind your pupils to support them as they embrace change.


Do you agree with our approach? If so, email us to find out if you qualify for a free assessment and consultation.