Working With Schools
Emotional health and wellbeing contributes significantly to the five national outcomes for children and young people:
- Being healthy
- Staying safe
- Enjoying and achieving
- Making a positive contribution
- Economic wellbeing.
Our programmes enrich the national curriculum and fully engage young people. They shouldn’t be seen as an optional extra – they teach vital life skills and help pupils to actively take control of their lives.
We can deliver workshops and long-term programmes as well as arrange performances and motivational talks for social/cultural events and assemblies. Find out more about us.
Better health and wellbeing = better behaviour, fewer exclusions and reduced truancy
We’ve designed our workshops to help schools achieve better results and to provide support in these important areas:
- To help young people develop healthy behaviours
- To raise achievement levels and overall standards in schools
- To promote social inclusion, learning and healthy lifestyle choices
If your school is working towards the Healthy School status or the Healthy Schools Enhancement Model, you’ll already be strengthening PSHE provision and encouraging pupils personal development.
Our programmes specialise in the Healthy School themes of:
- Emotional health and wellbeing
- Citizenship
- Healthy eating
- Sex and relationship education
ICU also supports these targets within the following national priorities:
- To improve behaviour and attendance
- To reduce and halt the increase in childhood obesity
- To promote positive sexual health and reduce teenage pregnancy
- To reduce the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco in young people
We offer a wide range of programmes that focus on national curriculum subjects such as:
- English & literacy
- Citizenship
- Drama
- Religious education
ICU programmes also concentrate on cross-curriculum dimensions including:
- Healthy lifestyles
- Identity & cultural diversity
- Community participation
- Creativity & critical thinking
And we support schools in achieving the Every Child Matters outcome.
Find out more about our approach and see if you qualify for a free assessment and consultation.